Brisbane Suburbs Property Prices
Check out the median house values and the ratio of property transactions calculated over a rolling 12 month period* for the following zones in Brisbane.
Inner Ring: Distance to CBD is within 5km North and South of the River
Middle Ring: Distance to CBD is 5 -12km North and South of the River
Outer Ring: Distance to CBD is 12-20km North and South of the River
For more information about a specific Brisbane suburb listed in these zones, please complete the CONTACT form and let us know the suburb you would like some more information on.
If you would like to know how National Property Buyers Brisbane can assist you with your purchase in any of these Brisbane suburbs, please complete the CONTACT form and we will be in touch with you as soon as we possibly can.
If a Brisbane suburb that you are interested in is NOT listed in these zones, please complete the CONTACT form and let us know the suburb you are interested in and we will be in touch with you as soon as we possibly can.
*source=CoreLogic : Data as of December 2021